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Puppy School Classes 

Our Puppy School Classes are run under the guidence of Netta Bainbridge,
a very experienced Show and Obedience Dog Trainer.

During our puppy classes you will learn how to:
- Communicate with your pup effectively
- Stop your pup biting
- Toilet train your pup
- Avoid inappropriate digging
- Control barking now to avoid problems later
- Settle your pup down

You will also learn how to teach your pet to sit, drop, stay, come, heel
(walk on the lead) roll over and more!

We will also make sure you can handle any emergency situation with
your dog - toads, ticks, snakes, first aid, what's normal and what's not!

When: Tuesdays from 4.00pm - 5.00pm for 4 weeks
For puppies aged: 8wks - 16wks
What to bring: Collar, lead and vaccination certificate for the first class
Price: $65 (includes all 4 classes, puppy book, treats, graduation hat & party)

Numbers are limited so call or email the practice today to book in your puppy!